yumtoast154 #Chat Talk

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Pi equals 4? Well, a friend asked me this earlier today, so I was truly stumped and decided to ask my roommate, other friends, and math professors across campus and we have no answers so I decided to draw a diagram for Basil and hopefully one of you can find a flaw in this logic. [url=http://img830.imageshack.us/i/52021020.jpg/]link[/url] [*]You have a circle with a diameter of 1. [*]You also have a square with a perimeter of 4. [*]Take away a corner side from the square, the perimeter still equals 4. [*]If you continue to take away corners, the perimeter of the square will still equal 4 and so when you do it infinitely, the corners should be extremely close to the the circle which would be the very close estimate of the circumference of th

General Chat

Cloud Girl: Microsoft's new manga series. There was news about this back in April, but I guess Microsoft JP finally released a manga series for Windows Azure. It's apparently called Kuraudo Garu: Mado to Kumo to Aoi Sora (Cloud Girl: Windows, Clouds, and Azure Skies). As far as I've read into it, it's about a 2nd rate/amateur software engineer named Klaudia pretty much being a huge Microsoft ad. [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windowsazure/claudia]If you know how to read Japanese, feel free.[/url]

General Chat

Basil Colosseum Fight to the Death Let's play a game, fellow Basilers. [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Superpower_Wiki]link[/url] [*]Enter the wikia link. [*]Click 'Random Page'. [*]Copy-paste the link into your post. [*]That is now your super power to fight other Basilers in this thread. [*]We're going by the honor system here. No cheating, or we bury you alive. I'll start. [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Manipulation]Solar Manipulation[/url]. I'm dead. Also, when is Mr. B going to fix the thread-title punctuation issue? ;_;

General Chat

Japanese bank robbed after tsunami/earthquake Found it on Yahoo HK [url=http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110322/18/ndv2.html]link[/url] Translates into: The Japanese city, Kesennuma located in the Miyagi Prefecture has recently had a bank damaged by the earthquake. Today, the bank staff discovered that the safe was open and missing 40 million Yen (Almost 500k USD). Police suspect that the earthquake-caused power outages led to the opening of the bank vault. EDIT: In the text, it is implied there is only 1 culprit.

General Chat

Two questions for you, Basil UNO!: When you go to a restaurant and you HAVE to tip a waiter, why should I do that? These waiters are getting paid to do their job and so I should pay them 15% of what I just ate to these people for doing their jobs? That doesn't make much sense: "Hey, thanks for teaching me, Mr. X, let me give you a 10 dollar tip!" "Wow, that was great garbage picking-upping abilities, mister garbage man! Here! Have a 10 dollar tip for doing your job!" DOS!: Why do people in America accuse Asians for being bad drivers when Americans themselves are normally worse drivers than Asians? 1: "HAH! YOU GOT CAUGHT SPEEDING >ASIAN NAME<; I KNEW ASIANS WERE BADE AT DRIVING!" 2: "Didn't you just

General Chat

Top Priorities During a Zombie Apocalypse I split this paragraph up because I know Basil can't will t1dr on this [*]Your family has just been eaten alive and you are the only survivor. You walk to the nearest safety zone in search for allies because you know that the current quarantine area you are in will be overrun at any time. [*]You must choose 1-4 teammates whose age totals to a maximum of 110 years (not including yourself) to heighten your chances of survival. Assume that all these people are physically+mentally stable and that they are competent at their profession[s] unless stated otherwise. Choose their gender if desired. [*]Your location is in a city with a population of 60,000; 40,000 of which are dead or 'infected'. [*]You have

General Chat

Sir Wilfred Camaligan [url=http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-man-accused-of-holding-woman-captive-to-appear-in-court-today-20110925,0,1103262.story]link[/url] [quote=News]A 22-year-old man from Chicago was arrested on Friday on charges of holding a woman captive after the two moved in together in July. According to prosecutors, the two had originally met at an anime convention in June. Sir Wilfred Camaligan (pictured at right) was denied bail on Sunday and is facing charges of attempted murder, kidnapping, and aggravated domestic battery. Police stated that Camaligan and the 20-year-old woman corresponded on Facebook and met at an anime convention in June. Police also stated Camaligan held the woman at his house and refu

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