

Can someone train me into a pro LoL player?

Goal: getting out of bronze 1

Username is Zanjj, we could play 1v1s or something

I've played about 700-1000 non-ranked games and i still can't properly jungle, top lane, stop doing dumb decisions, or 'counter people'

August 1, 2013

42 Comments • Newest first


[quote=shawdowr]Vayne can easily get out of Caitlyn's range, by either Q+E'ing in, doing some damage to Caitlyn, or by Q'ing out, where no damage is done if Vayne times it right. Also, Ashe is useful because she has a 3 SECOND stun thats on a cooldown on what, 60 seconds? Also, she has a PERMA SLOW, which is way different from Caitlyn's 1 second slow, which if she were to use to slow someone it would take her out of the fight. Late game Caitlyn's traps are nearly useless also, because even if someone were to step in them it would most likely be the tank, not really making a big difference.[/quote]

The point of the trap isn't to stun. It's to zone.

This is why you're still bronze l0l.

Reply August 3, 2013

@MrSaigon: Okay I'm done with this thread l0l. And you said Secondly twice l0l. Caitlyn l0l

Reply August 3, 2013

@shawdowr: The ashe was an example to prove that its not damage that only matters. Secondly 3 seconds is only if its from far. Good luck starting a fight if you shoot from that far l0l. Secondly, in lane are you crazy... whenever vayne goes for a cs shes eatting a free auto from caitlyn. Depending on the support Caitlyn can just zone her in lane l0l. And vayne's E cooldown is way too high to spam l0l. Along with if vayne Q's out of cait range shes also out of exp/cs range. And Caitlyn's traps are not useless. When pushing if the tank eats the trap its free poke on them which is the point of why Caitlyn is so good. She can siege.

Reply August 3, 2013 - edited

[quote=MrSaigon]@shawdowr: You are comparing hyper carries to standard late game ad carries which is idiotic. Caitlyn is still played in many competitive games around the world. Along with her great sieging potential. And with her early game strength she can easily delay the late game of vayne. Simply put to say that she is mediocre or worse is ignorant.

Along with your argument of oh no steroid and %hp. Lets look at Ashe. No steroid still a great ad carry with her arrow. It's not always about pure damage. It's also the utility that they bring to a team.[/quote]

Vayne can easily get out of Caitlyn's range, by either Q+E'ing in, doing some damage to Caitlyn, or by Q'ing out, where no damage is done if Vayne times it right. Also, Ashe is useful because she has a 3 SECOND stun thats on a cooldown on what, 60 seconds? Also, she has a PERMA SLOW, which is way different from Caitlyn's 1 second slow, which if she were to use to slow someone it would take her out of the fight. Late game Caitlyn's traps are nearly useless also, because even if someone were to step in them it would most likely be the tank, not really making a big difference.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@shawdowr: You are comparing hyper carries to standard late game ad carries which is idiotic. Caitlyn is still played in many competitive games around the world. Along with her great sieging potential. And with her early game strength she can easily delay the late game of vayne. Simply put to say that she is mediocre or worse is ignorant.

Along with your argument of oh no steroid and %hp. Lets look at Ashe. No steroid still a great ad carry with her arrow. It's not always about pure damage. It's also the utility that they bring to a team.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

someone help me pls im silver I in a losing streak right now ._____________________________________.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

can i coach u $15 an hour ? mid plat player here.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@brub: If I don't pick Cait, I ban Cait. Also Ashe and Varus do decent against Cait. Bot lane is more focused on support countering each other than the ADC.


@shawdowr: I don't want to sound condescending but you have no idea what you're talking about. Late game isn't about which ADC has the "highest damage". It's about the safest. The game is about taking objectives. Sure, Cait loses late game to any other ADC 1v1 due to lack of steroids but she's able to survive longer in a team fight due to her escapes and range so she does more OVERALL damage. As I said, range is the BEST steroid. And you don't use her ultimate when tanks are there. You use it as poke before a team fight or after a team fight to chase. Her W also changes team fights. It's an excellent zoning tool. Cait is one of the BEST ADCs late game.

And no, Sivir doesn't counter Cait. People who think that are dumb. What's spell shielding a trap going to do when you have 500 range and Cait will poke you for EVERY single CS you take. Vayne does decent against Cait in all ins, but bot lane isn't ADC vs. ADC. It's support vs support. The support dictates how the game will do. I wouldn't pick Leona into Cait because a good Cait can avoid her E and then it's free poke. Against Cait, i'd try a combination of Ashe, Varus, and Janna.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=brub]Alright. So a draven + leona combo would be good against a cait then, yes?[/quote]

Well, Draven can be iffy. It really depends on how good the Caitlyn is. Caitlyn can easily time her Q's and traps into Draven's axe catching spots. Also, anyone with a slow pretty much counters Draven because he relies on that speed. But, if Draven can get in range of Caitlyn, he will easily kill her quickly. But, a good Caitlyn will never let a Draven get in range, and even if one goes in she can just E+Q out and thats a free Q's damage onto Draven

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

Pick the lamest and most unbalanced hero, pubstomp like mad, rank-up, and then ragequit when you can't beat anyone in the next tier.

Or you can just quit now and play a better game.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited


Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

I'll add you.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=shawdowr]Okay, Caitlyn isn't TERRIBLE late game, but she's worse than almost every other ADC lategame. She has no AS steroid (like some of the best late game carries -Tristana/Kog), and she doesn't have a % health attack like Vayne does (also a late game carry). Flat damage doesn't help much when you're dealing with tanks, unless you have a lot of armor penetration. Sure she has a good range, but if you zone her so she doesn't have that range on you, she can't do much. Caitlyn has a very hard time late game because she requires great positioning for her ultimate to do something, her passive is okay but not the best because it just does more damage, her Q is nearly useless because it will do minimal damage to the tanks in the front line (ADC/APC shouldn't get hit with her Q) and her basic attacks will be doing way more damage than her Q's by lategame, her W is also almost useless because people will have wards in bushes by late game and people are smart enough to dodge the snares, her E is still a very good utility, and her R is also nearly useless because unless she has ridiculously great positioning, tanks will block it, rendering her ultimate useless. Also, in the time it takes to shoot the bullet she could've gotten at least 2-4 shots off, bringing her closer to proccing her okay passive.

Caitlyn has the strongest presence in bottom lane out of any ADC. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to win the lane against her. In bot lane, the ADC versing Caitlyn doesn't matter much, try to get someone that has an okay range. I wouldn't suggest someone like Vayne because of her terrible AA range, but she is still great because late game she just demolishes. ADC's like Varus are pretty good, because of his okay AA range and his Q's range. Also, I would say Sivir is one of Caitlyn's hardest counters, because whenever Caitlyn places a trap, it's pretty much free mana for Sivir. Sivir's spell shield also makes Caitlyn's ultimate useless, and her Q is also useless if you can time your shield. Sivir's Q also has a very far range making you able to harrass Caitlyn too. One of Caitlyn's main disadvantages is that she is EXTREMELY squishy. It is best to lane with a tanky/aggressive support, and I would say Leona is the best support vs Caitlyn. Also, don't get hit by her headshots, let her waste them on a minion. Always start boots against her too so you can dodge her Q's more easily. Pay attention to the traps that she puts down, and don't foolishly step on them at a critical moment. Try not to get pushed to your tower, unless you have a jungler that can gank her easily. A jungler that can get in close enough before or after Caitlyn E's and can stun almost certainly means death for Caitlyn. Never push the tower if she is still in lane (you almost should never do this anyways) because her AA range will just demolish you. Try to just stay back and farm, and make sure to not get zoned (meaning that she will make it hard for you to farm, and make you miss EXP). Also, if the Caitlyn is aggressive, play aggressively. If she plays passively, play passively. If you have a good support you can probably kill an aggressive Caitlyn too.

Sorry for the paragraphs lol, but I hope I helped.[/quote]

Alright. So a draven + leona combo would be good against a cait then, yes?

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=aznseal]@shawdowr: No lol. Bad people think Cait's bad because "lol no steroid". Range is THE BEST steroid in the game. If I had to rank the best late game ADCs for solo Q, then top 3 would be Tristana, Caitlyn, and Vayne.[/quote]

[quote=ishottedsnow2]@shawdowr: Cait's not horrible late game. She excels during laning phase but is still excellent late game..[/quote]

[quote=MrSaigon]Lol whut.[/quote]

Okay, Caitlyn isn't TERRIBLE late game, but she's worse than almost every other ADC lategame. She has no AS steroid (like some of the best late game carries -Tristana/Kog), and she doesn't have a % health attack like Vayne does (also a late game carry). Flat damage doesn't help much when you're dealing with tanks, unless you have a lot of armor penetration. Sure she has a good range, but if you zone her so she doesn't have that range on you, she can't do much. Caitlyn has a very hard time late game because she requires great positioning for her ultimate to do something, her passive is okay but not the best because it just does more damage, her Q is nearly useless because it will do minimal damage to the tanks in the front line (ADC/APC shouldn't get hit with her Q) and her basic attacks will be doing way more damage than her Q's by lategame, her W is also almost useless because people will have wards in bushes by late game and people are smart enough to dodge the snares, her E is still a very good utility, and her R is also nearly useless because unless she has ridiculously great positioning, tanks will block it, rendering her ultimate useless. Also, in the time it takes to shoot the bullet she could've gotten at least 2-4 shots off, bringing her closer to proccing her okay passive.

[quote=brub]Also, i have NO idea how to lane against cait. Like whenever i play ranked, theres always a cait, and i just don't know how to deal with her Any tips that could help me when i run into one?[/quote]

Caitlyn has the strongest presence in bottom lane out of any ADC. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to win the lane against her. In bot lane, the ADC versing Caitlyn doesn't matter much, try to get someone that has an okay range. I wouldn't suggest someone like Vayne because of her terrible AA range, but she is still great because late game she just demolishes. ADC's like Varus are pretty good, because of his okay AA range and his Q's range. Also, I would say Sivir is one of Caitlyn's hardest counters, because whenever Caitlyn places a trap, it's pretty much free mana for Sivir. Sivir's spell shield also makes Caitlyn's ultimate useless, and her Q is also useless if you can time your shield. Sivir's Q also has a very far range making you able to harrass Caitlyn too. One of Caitlyn's main disadvantages is that she is EXTREMELY squishy. It is best to lane with a tanky/aggressive support, and I would say Leona is the best support vs Caitlyn. Also, don't get hit by her headshots, let her waste them on a minion. Always start boots against her too so you can dodge her Q's more easily. Pay attention to the traps that she puts down, and don't foolishly step on them at a critical moment. Try not to get pushed to your tower, unless you have a jungler that can gank her easily. A jungler that can get in close enough before or after Caitlyn E's and can stun almost certainly means death for Caitlyn. Never push the tower if she is still in lane (you almost should never do this anyways) because her AA range will just demolish you. Try to just stay back and farm, and make sure to not get zoned (meaning that she will make it hard for you to farm, and make you miss EXP). Also, if the Caitlyn is aggressive, play aggressively. If she plays passively, play passively. If you have a good support you can probably kill an aggressive Caitlyn too.

Sorry for the paragraphs lol, but I hope I helped.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

i added you we can play sometime

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=shawdowr]Caitlyn is terrible lategame, she only carries hard early game...[/quote]

Lol whut.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=aznseal]I don't play on my main but I play on my smurfs gstatue and Naixin[/quote]


Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@zannji I love playing mid and have quite the collection of them, if you would like to practice going against a certain one feel free to hit me up.

My username is independentwoman, this goes to anyone who would like practice against mids!

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@rld81: Well maybe he can start making friends and then create a group maybe or try to communicate with others. And if no one will train him, then he has to train himself then, you can't always rely on someone that's my opinion though

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=aznseal]9/10 times, you'll play better when you start to take the blame and stop blaming the support. I'm not saying you blame your support, but learn to be super critical of yourself. Don't just focus on CSing, but focus on harassing your opponent when they try to CS. Also, the difference between silver and platinum is not mechanics, a lot of it is decision making and positioning. Make smart decisions and try to position outside of a team fight. I see too many bronze of silver players say "gg noob adc why attack tank, attack their adc" when in reality, it's NOT your job to attack their adc as an ac. If you can it's great, but your job is to do consistent damage. If you try to dive for their adc as an adc, you'll get melted.

@shawdowr: No lol. Bad people think Cait's bad because "lol no steroid". Range is THE BEST steroid in the game. If I had to rank the best late game ADCs for solo Q, then top 3 would be Tristana, Caitlyn, and Vayne.[/quote]

Yeah, i've sort of learned to focus on my mistakes and try to change whenever i do something wrong. I usually do well in lane, and i usually get pretty good supports, but the thing is, i don't know how to carry my team. If i win my lane, but top and mid lose, we would probably lose that game. For me, i think what my problem is that i can't properly use my advantages to help my other teammates win their lanes if i win mine.

Also, i have NO idea how to lane against cait. Like whenever i play ranked, theres always a cait, and i just don't know how to deal with her Any tips that could help me when i run into one?

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@aznseal: Tweetch (censors)>Cait late game

@shawdowr: Cait's not horrible late game. She excels during laning phase but is still excellent late game.


OT: If you're on OCE pm me.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=gluex3]Maybe you should train yourself, Maybe start watching like those LoL tournaments or watch some streams and learn from them. Or LoL replay and play a game and watch your replay and make notes and see what you can do to improve? o.o[/quote]
Kinda hard to critique yourself if you don't know what you are doign wrong don't you think.
I can help I am no ways in diamond as I have been perma'd twice LOL. But if you want upload a video on youtube and I can give you some tips.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=gluex3]Maybe you should train yourself, Maybe start watching like those LoL tournaments or watch some streams and learn from them. Or LoL replay and play a game and watch your replay and make notes and see what you can do to improve? o.o[/quote]

okay the first suggestion is the stupidest because in tournaments you CAN trust your teammates and supports actually support and carries actually carry. whereas in pub game, you're not coordinated with your teammates and some supports either dont support or TRY to carry

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble well you better install it soon, i wanna play with you

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=brub]Hey, do you think you could help me a bit? xD
I'm in Bronze 3, and i'd say im a pretty decent adc, but not to the point that i can actually carry my team.
If you could give me some advice on how to improve, that would be great ^^
My ign is imNotARapper if you want to add me~[/quote]

9/10 times, you'll play better when you start to take the blame and stop blaming the support. I'm not saying you blame your support, but learn to be super critical of yourself. Don't just focus on CSing, but focus on harassing your opponent when they try to CS. Also, the difference between silver and platinum is not mechanics, a lot of it is decision making and positioning. Make smart decisions and try to position outside of a team fight. I see too many bronze of silver players say "gg noob adc why attack tank, attack their adc" when in reality, it's NOT your job to attack their adc as an ac. If you can it's great, but your job is to do consistent damage. If you try to dive for their adc as an adc, you'll get melted.

@shawdowr: No lol. Bad people think Cait's bad because "lol no steroid". Range is THE BEST steroid in the game. If I had to rank the best late game ADCs for solo Q, then top 3 would be Tristana, Caitlyn, and Vayne.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=Mykuttke]started in bronze 5 since i quitted for a while and now i in gold 3 took me like 3 months or so and my tip is to play carry hard champs like cait,vayne,jayce etc.[/quote]

Caitlyn is terrible lategame, she only carries hard early game...

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

I can teach :o but I'm only Gold V so I'm limited to knowledge

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

ok i buddy u and 1v1 the crap out of u

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

@DrPebble wait... your mom said you can install stuff on her pc? o-o

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=aznseal]I'm diamond. Message me if you want me to spectate you for advice.[/quote]

Hey, do you think you could help me a bit? xD
I'm in Bronze 3, and i'd say im a pretty decent adc, but not to the point that i can actually carry my team.
If you could give me some advice on how to improve, that would be great ^^
My ign is imNotARapper if you want to add me~

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=RandomUsername]gimme ign[/quote]

I don't play on my main but I play on my smurfs gstatue and Naixin

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

play support well.
i learn other roles by playing support really well and infact carry games as being support

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=DrPebble]im not a pro, but ill play once i reinstall LoL

I stopped playing a month ago cause my mom complained about it "ruining her computer"

@fun2killu its called english

you should try it "sometimes".[/quote]

dude give me your summoner name
ot: play a support role (on the bottom), or just use a tanky champ.

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

[quote=aznseal]I'm diamond. Message me if you want me to spectate you for advice.[/quote]

gimme ign

Reply August 2, 2013 - edited

just carry your games. you can do it

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited

I'm diamond. Message me if you want me to spectate you for advice.

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited

Read all of Sirlin's "Playing to Win."

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited

You're in Bronze 1 with 26 games played. Just play more ranked games and you'll climb out in no time, at that rate. You just need a bit of patience with it. You can't expect to jump into ranked and expect to be diamond 1 right off the bat, can you?

Personally, I don't plan to dive into ranked games until I've gotten near or around 1,000 normal wins.

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited

Elohell meng, there's no way out sorry

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited

its called practice.

you should try it sometimes.

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited

Maybe you should train yourself, Maybe start watching like those LoL tournaments or watch some streams and learn from them. Or LoL replay and play a game and watch your replay and make notes and see what you can do to improve? o.o

Reply August 1, 2013 - edited