

Starting Java programming

I'm a 13 year old boy looking for some tips on Java programming. Any tips? I just started and I soon dream of becoming a game programmer.

October 21, 2011

16 Comments • Newest first


@shairn: The loop was for the benefit of the TS, although congrats for knowing what a loop is, lol.
The logic bit was simply because that's how I taught myself and found it the easiest method for grasping complicated "tricks" and their uses later on.

Reply October 21, 2011

@Telatsu: Understanding the language takes little time. But learning all the tricks of actually getting a program working is another set of stairs.
Also yes I program in C and Java I know what a for loop is.
Loops are actually pretty basic in programming, since you can't really do any interesting programs without them.
Well, depending on the language.

Reply October 21, 2011

@ShiverStar: I know the basic idea of what public static void main(String args[]) is and i can do System.out.print("Hello World&quot erm and the rest i can translate if i saw it, but I've made a basic calculator and stuff. It just isn't memorized. (I do have java projects of my calculator and stuff I think...)

EDIT: I also know how to assign integers using int and i know the println.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

@12joeyroo that makes everything feel easier I basically read codes and translate to English if i see any XD

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

@ShiverStar: The layout of it and the fact that I learned nothing from the first few lessons...hmm any other sources?

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

@ShiverStar that website's...umm... just no... ):

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

I'm starting here:
I also learned a bit from thenewboston, but it seems I can NEVER remember what if, while, for loop, while true do mean ><

I can easily remember int, function and loop.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

Use DrJava, ludicrously simple to use... That or, use vi/emacs. Eclipse IS good because all methods/primitives come up for you as you type...
As for Textbook, try this, it's really easy to understand, lol... (Seriously, why is this censcored?) I uploaded for my AP CS class, enjoy!

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

@ShiverStar I use Eclipse IDE for Java programmers and I chose java because I made a thread a while ago with asking for what to start with and in majority it was Java. Plus Java is common and I think that maybe...JUST MAYBE I'll make some minecraft mods for some friends

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

I started learning java in high school with KareltheRobot.jar.

turnLeft () ; all day, erryday.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

Start now and don't quit . Regardless of how boring or repetitive or frustrating a problem may be, just don't quit. Ask people for help! Become a part of a community outside of Basil where programmers actually practice their art.

Don't ask me about programming. I know nothing of it . I just know what it takes to be good at something.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=shairn]Which may or may not taking several dozen years.
I suggest following a tutorial and starting with the basics. There's no use rushing ahead because you won't understand half the stuff you're doing.[/quote]

I'm not sure about several dozen years...

What I meant about logic, is that Programming should be seen as a foreign language. You must look at each programming language as having it's own unique set of guidelines, much like Spanish or German. If you're able to vocalize in a proper format what you want to do, following it as such you must learn the correct terms to invoke the actions you want. Which... should not take you several dozen years...nor even a dozen.

[edit] Take a "For" loop, something you won't be seeing immediately starting programming.
A basic one looks like this.

for(count = 1; count <= 10; count++)
{ statement;

This can be seen as: For count, which will start at 1, if it is less than or equal to 10 continue looping and output this statement, each loop will add a count of 1(Signified by count++). Once 10 has been reached, the loop will end.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

So before doing a game tutorial learn the basics? Even the useless stuff i wont need in my games?

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

[quote=Telatsu]learn logic. once youve mastered logic. youve mastered programming.[/quote]

Which may or may not taking several dozen years.
I suggest following a tutorial and starting with the basics. There's no use rushing ahead because you won't understand half the stuff you're doing.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

learn logic. once youve mastered logic. youve mastered programming.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited

Write basic programs, learn about classes, looping, etc... all the basics of any programming language.

Reply October 21, 2011 - edited