

zeck96 #Fun Talk

General Fun

Random riddles cause Im bored More riddles will be posted as the others are answered correctly. 1.Assuming that 1=5, 2=10, and 3=15, what does 4=? And what about 5=? (Solved by ) 2. What pattern do these letters hold and what are the final 3 letters in the sequence?: O, T, T, F, F, S, S, _, _, _,.(Solved by ) 3. You have two U.S.D coins that total up to 30 cents, one of them is not a nickel. What are the two coins?(Sovled by [He pm'd]) 4. You have a coin and a bottle, for some reason you decide to put the coin in the bottle then the cork on the bottle, without breaking the bottle or moving the cork, how can you get the coin out? (Solved by ) 5. A taxi driver was going down the street. He went right past a stop sign without stopping yet he d

General Fun

Can anyone solve this riddle? Had this in my last riddle thread since #14, but no one could seem to solve it... think you can? :D Aside from any variation of 1, what number when separated digit by digit and raised to the power of itself, adds up to the original number? EXAMPLE: 23, 2(squared)+3(cubed)=31 EXAMPLE: 42, 4(to the power of four)=256, 2(squared)=4 256+4=260 EDIT: This is not homework, I asked it a while ago on this and no one was able to figure it out. EDIT2: 0^0 is not 1 nor 0, it is undefined. is a number God.

General Fun

Whats the funniest thing thats happened to you today? For me it's this little story: I was on the bus with my friends and we're all joking and stuff and my Asian friend starts speaking Vietnamese, so naturally we try to imitate him and ask him if we said anything(usually we don't) then my other friend (Who is also Asian) turns around and goes "That's racist you guys." and I'm like, "How? We're speaking gibberish most likely" and he goes "Yeah, but it sounds like us." I DIED laughing, it's not too over the top funny but it made my day. So what happened to you guys that made you laugh today?

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