
Perm Nx price website?


October 1, 2015

15 Comments • Newest first


@xkillo32: I'm sorry you're gonna have to be a little more clear, defending what exactly the site itself or people getting banned for discussing it? Like I said I all I was doing was informing with my first post, because you seemed to be unaware if that wasen't the case then my bad. Selling NX is breaking ToS but it's not a crime per se. And I'm sure you've seen far less people get banned for selling NX/equips than you have for botting, the numbers aren't even comparable. People get into lawsuits over creating and distributing hacks, hell people were getting cease and desist letters back in the day just for making privat servers when they first started up.

I understand the point you're trying to make, but exploiting is still exploiting. Keep in mind I'm not directing this towards that site. This is just an overall opinion on hacking, like I just mentioned in my previous post, I couldn't care less USING the site isn't a crime.

Reply October 1, 2015

@assasin474: you are clearly defending it
and selling nx and botting are both illegal

Reply October 1, 2015

[quote=assasin474]I didn't say I was in agreement nor disagreement with the issues revolving around the site I was simply informing, no need to get salty friend. Also I'm not sure how selling nx and equips relates to botting but to each his own I guess.

@ashleyattacked I get what you're saying and I do mostly agree but it's not so much the site itself as it is the people behind the site. As I mentioned already the original site owner was under a lot of heat for creating paketeditors/trainers/etc, so I can see how basil mods could view it as controversial. It's the same way on reddit, really though I couldn't care less it's not like using the site is a crime or anything.[/quote]
Yeah, but it's more simple than that. You can actually get suspended for simply mentioning any of the other legit Maplestory forums. Sure it's competition...but it gets to a point where it's more rude than pragmatic. These websites and these forums represent a perfectly legit and entirely relevant aspect of playing the game and being a part of the player base. I never said Mr Basil was 'wrong' or that he was breaking some form of agreement to which he's bound by...such as a law...I just said it's pretty crappy.

Add it to the whole slew of negatives and it's a pretty big black eye.

This forum could cultivate such a meaningful community and gain along with it an enormous amount of goodwill and support from numerous angles...but they always screw it up by mistreating the users. It's been going on since the first time I even heard of Basilmarket, back, I think, in 2006 / 2007.

All they have to do is show a bit of respect and communicate with the members here before invoking suspensions, etc. It's not like the vast majority of us are here just to get in the way and cause fights. I can't imagine anyone around here that wouldn't work along with the mods and their rules if those mods just asked nicely and took a moment to communicate and ask them nicely.

But no. They never will, they never have and that's been their reputation since at least 2007. It genuinely makes me wonder if Basilmarket considers this portion of their website as an annoyance they would rather not have to deal with in the first place. They definitely don't seem to be trying...and it's not like they wouldn't succeed wildly if they would just be a bit more kind and respectful. It's such a massive issue that, like I said, is routinely mentioned over and over and over throughout the years...both in game and on some of the other sites. The only reason they could conceivably still be refusing to compromise is because they don't care about their forums as a whole.

Just the other day I was abruptly suspended for 'feeding the trolls' (as my suspension noticed conveniently informed me)...which was basically Basil code for I 'defended myself' (notably without using -any- insults or rude language.) And that was it. That's all they had against me. But rather than ask me nicely to just ignore the person trashing me fairly viciously...they just anonymously suspended me TWICE, once for each time I had responded to the person trashing me.

That's crappy. Mr Basil should go sit in a corner.

Oh wells.

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

[quote=xkillo32]@assasin474: so what?
people sell nx and equips all the time
stop trying to act like a goody two shoes[/quote]

I didn't say I was in agreement nor disagreement with the issues revolving around the site I was simply informing, no need to get salty friend. Also I'm not sure how selling nx and equips relates to botting but to each his own I guess.

@ashleyattacked I get what you're saying and I do mostly agree but it's not so much the site itself as it is the people behind the site. As I mentioned already the original site owner was under a lot of heat for creating paketeditors/trainers/etc, so I can see how basil mods could view it as controversial. It's the same way on reddit, really though I couldn't care less it's not like using the site is a crime or anything.

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

[quote=assasin474]@ashleyattacked @xkillo32
Well my memories a little hazy but from what I understand the people running the site use bots to gather information on the FM, and the original owner of the site was actually dealing with a lot of heat from nexon involving a lawsuit and a whole bunch of other crap, again it's been a while since I read into it so I'm not exactly sure what the deal is now.[/quote]

I'm familiar with the bulk of the backstory, etc. I'm just not in agreement with it having anything to do with Basil...much less its role in obligating them to do anything insofar as Nexon's game is concerned. It's not like that website in itself does anything directly attributable to harming this website or any of the users of it. It's just silly and overreaching.

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

@assasin474: so what?
people sell nx and equips all the time
stop trying to act like a goody two shoes

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

Yah be careful. They are suspending people for stupid crap. I got suspended for telling someone "I don't need your pdr".... Like seriously?

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

@ashleyattacked @xkillo32
Well my memories a little hazy but from what I understand the people running the site use bots to gather information on the FM, and the original owner of the site was actually dealing with a lot of heat from nexon involving a lawsuit and a whole bunch of other crap, again it's been a while since I read into it so I'm not exactly sure what the deal is now.

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited


Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

Maplestory minus story dot freemarket short form

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

[quote=assasin474]pretty sure we're not supposed to discuss that site lol[/quote]

basil is more strict than my school lol
there is nothing wrong with the site
mr.basil censors so many things

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

*M*aybe one day we can have *A* site that can show *P*layers fm shops, maybe it can *L*abel there store name, items *E*quips in their mushy/permit. it would save time *.* the *F*ree *M*arket really needs this.
see: All things with asteriks (and capital letters but dont forgot the period with asterisks around it too) around them put it all together and you get the magic word.

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

[quote=assasin474]pretty sure we're not supposed to discuss that site lol[/quote]

Yeah, Mr Basil would rather his users lose time they could otherwise be studying with.

It's also a new rule his mods can anonymously suspend people for breaking.

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

pretty sure we're not supposed to discuss that site lol

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited

maple(random stuff put period here)fm

Reply October 1, 2015 - edited