

wth is a hearthstone

for the last year a lot of people have been telling me to play it and my response was "sorry if its not mobile then i'd rather not touch rts games" but now it actually is out on mobile so jokes on me i ended up playing it because my excuse got slapped in the nuts.

ANYWAY. im new and idk wtf im doing so slap me with your wisdom basil
tips and tricks do's and dont's yeses and noses appreciated

April 18, 2015

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Phonetics]bad time to get into hearthstone. cancerous hunters.

there isn't too much to say about it. there's some tips and tricks to offer but it's mostly a luck based game.[/quote]

i will hunt u down

Reply April 19, 2015

its a card game, now availabe in android and ios

Reply April 18, 2015