zomgitbeandy #General Talk


Free Egged Horntail Pendant Scania Hey guys, I went Horntail and I found an egg but I already have an egged pendant so to make room to loot a new pendant for the new egg I'm giving out the one I currently have. You SoK yourself The pendant is +22 all stat 2 slots PM/Whisper me if interested. Although some are probably going to be skeptic I've given away free stuff before via Basil thread but it was unfortunately taken down. Luckily google cached a portion of that thread so I'll use it as my [url=http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Oerx9wauDkQJ:www.basilmarket.com/forum/2665402/4/43896437Free_Heliseum_Gear_Scania.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us]vouch.[/url]

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