zzHyPNoTiZeD #General Talk


Any help, helps. Hello basilers, I just re-downloaded maplestory after a year and a half. First started in like, late '06, this game is super nostalgic for me. However, now i am absolutely lost. Can anyone give any tips, maybe links to guides, etc. I dont know much on how the game works, so much has changed. I have a 13x f/p AM, 11x NL, 12x DW and a 9x priest. Any tips on who would be beneficial to keep playing on, or if i should consider starting anew on another class? I'm dead broke and no idea how to fund myself, train(updated guide links?), or how much money a ''decent'' class requires? Decent equips? I have no idea how nebs work, along with combos (i remember only arans having those) and many other things. i did manage to find a few SP