

22mchan #Anime Talk

General Anime

Im So Sorry This is going to be one of those "can you recommend me an anime" threads again. [b]I have watched/enjoyed these anime's so far:[/b] SAO (i kno i kno.... so generic whatevs) Aldnoah Zero (Inaho i believe in you <3 Jan 2015) Akame Ga Kill No Game No Life [b]I did not particularly enjoy[/b] Clannad (the first one.... please dont kill me) Log Horizon (again dont kill me im sorry) Tokyo Ghoul Steins Gate (I'm only on episode 5 though, heard it gets MUCH better after) High School DXD (shamefully watched the 1st episode) OT: Sorry about saying sorry so much or please... i'm Canadian lol

General Anime

Anime Song Covers Holy i just went on an adventure youtube looking at mainly piano covers, and there are some really really talented people. Here are some of my faves so far and just populars ones. [i]Isther Kun's Covers[/i] SAO 2 Opening Song;list=UUBShw5O9wwBt9G59xuESZYg&spfreload=10 Irregular High School ;list=UUBShw5O9wwBt9G59xuESZYg&spfreload=10 Oh and my absolute absolute favourite as of now. It's the cover of SAO's main theme. It's really amazing Cover by Animenz;spfreload=10 What are some of the covers that you guys have been listening to? This is amazing and i need to something to listen to to distract me from myself right now :D

General Anime

Aldnoah Zero Ep 13 okay okay okay. First of all if you haven't seen the episode yet, go watch it right now. 4 MONTHS I WAITED Spoiler Alert So looks like Inaho has the power of aldnoah inside of as well? Was it from the blood splatter or from the CPR? That robotic eye makes him more op now. I love how they didn't drag it out though. I was expecting a whole episode of just mars life and we would find out what happened on earth the next episode. Speaking of mars life who is this other princess? F Slaine what is he doing to princess Asseylum? q_q. The music was once again epic as f and the artwork too. Honestly lived up to the hype unlike cough cough Shigatsu wa Kimi. Edit: guys i just realized... Inaho knows the princess is a fake. At the ver