
Upgrade my gear

As you now guys the miracle time is coming, and i want to upgrade my gear Top, bot , and hat , what do you think is the best way to scroll it ?

i want some tips


May 4, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


Don't worry about scrolling CRA yet, wait until a Trace Fever time and then 70% them, or 30% if you have mesos for clean slates (but buy the slates beforehand if you do to save money since they inflate nearer to Fever Time).

iCoGs from event shops is also an option, but it's really hit or miss with those, you can get pretty much nothing sometimes even when the scroll passes, so depending on your luck you might want to stick with 30% traces, as they're the best consistent method unless you can afford Primes.

Don't worry too much about scrolling if you're going to be cubing them during miracle time, just focus on getting your gears to tier up/get good lines.

Reply May 4, 2016