

4evavoodoo #Chat Talk

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sTORY TIME: VOODOO'S TRAGIC TALES hello basilers, im feeling pretty sad atm, so heres a story of my life that resulted in this sadness. so if ya bored or want to feel better about yaself or even to laugh at my misfortune you can read this. SO IT BEGINS My life begins on the 19th of January 1998 of unknown time. My mum was in hospital pregnant with me of course. I was delivered late, unlike most babies who are usually delivered 9 months after pregnancy; I arrived after 12 months, thus my mum needed to take some injections in order to hurry up my birth. So my mum was in labour and soon after I was delivered. My mum said I was a fat baby and very tanned for a Chinese boy (yes people mistake me for being full blooded Malaysian, Vietnamese or In

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