

52kairi #General Talk


Advance charge missing on the 4th job skill list hello guys here i got a big problem i thought charge blow max lv is 20 so i left it at 18 (20 with CO) i went to job advance, now im paladin but just realize i didnt max charge blow and now i dont even have advanced charge onmy skill list i now am lv 124 and raised charge blow lv to 28 (30 with co) but still i dont see the advanced charge skill on my 4th job skill list :( what should i do? is there something i can do to get back my advanced charge skill?


will this work to make a 70 all stat Chtp? hello basilers a friend of mine just quit and gave me a Chaos-HorntailPendant with, the stat is : +40 all stat 2 slot left 0 hammed heres is the question, i want to egg it but the egg says only work on HT pendant with at least 3 upgrade left, so i want to know, will i ever be able to egg it if i hammer it twice to make it 4 slot left ? with 4 slot means i can egg it twice more and make it +70 all stat but im not sure if it will work :( any of u tried this metho before?

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