

9thwolf #General Talk


Futuroid event questions According to the patch notes regarding the Futuroid Part (in CS) on the website, "Pick up the first piece in the Cash Shop or Maple Rewards Shop, AND THEN hunt monsters within your level range to collect the other six necessary Futuroid Crates!" 1) Does this mean you have to buy this first part in CS BEFORE you can find other parts? 2) Also, are the individual parts tradeable? 3) And when you get them all, you get a Futuroid COUPON, right? (I'm pretty sure I've seen that THOSE are tradeable)


R / Horntail Pq and Dragon Rider Pq I'd like to run in about an hour (July 30 - 7:45pm PST) if enough of you guys want to join. I'll be running on my Lv 165 battle mage, and I'm very experienced at HTPQ. In case you don't already know, you need to do HTPQ to get a HT Squad Badge so that you can solo HT. And if you complete the Leafre card set, you can get a passive extra 30% ignore defense. HTPQ and its prequests (Lv 120+) are pretty simple; the biggest annoyance is just finding 5 others to do the PQ with you. Also, afterwards, if you're interested, I can host a Dragon Rider PQ (you also need the Dragon Rider cards to complete the Leafre card set). I can bring in a mule (as a second member), so I only need one other person to join me for a


A trick leveling up dilligence? There is (or was?) a trick to max out diligence really fast. I know you get a lot of mastery when you lvl up in a profession. Apparently, you could get to lvl 11 diligence, wait for the daily reset (which dropped you back down to 10), and then get back to 11 again immediately. I got to 11 in Alchemy yesterday, but I'm still 11 today--I didn't drop back down to 10. Does that only happen when you reach lvl 12 in a profession? Or is that not even a thing at all anymore?

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