

AbyssMind #Chat Talk

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Universe and Death make me happy Does anyone think death and universe are such beautiful things? 99.9% of universe is nothing which is like death practically The fact that i was dead for roughly billions of years and i was suddenly born on 1993 from my mother's womb out of nowhere. and now living a human life, thinking weird things,doing weird things. I think im all that and i like to behave in a certain way people will like me. Nature somehow created this system of opposite sexes,survival of the fittest,and symbiosis. Its so crazy that its so mindblowing. What is truly most amazing is that we are probably the ony species to have a consciousness that can question and see all this miracle of universe happening. Its so silly and amazing. Oh g

General Chat

Are white people/mixed people seemingly more attractive? I don't want to be racist or ignorant. Why is it that most white people/mixed people seem so much more attractive in terms of everything? They have long legs,arms, and good framework to look visibly attractive and they also have a good facial structures,eyes,nose,and small head. Heck, look at white men compared to asian men. White beards look really masculine and fresh whereas asian men have spotty beards that look messy and make them look like homeless. The question: Am i affected by western standards of beauty? Am i just seeing what is naturally attractive for a human being?

General Chat

Thinking about death and aging So yesterday i got a message from my mother that she got two new glasses. I was shocked because I didn't need any glasses because I had a new one. Those two glasses were for her. She showed me a picture of her wearing those glasses and I was gloomy yet happy. She was getting old, subject to the inevitable death that we all face. I remember my mother being always fresh and having nice skin. Now she is wrinkled and is slowly facing the inevitable. Her eye sight will get worse. Her hair will gray and her senses will decrease. I noticed how attached i was to my own body. I feed it, clothe it, wash it, and put aesthetic stuff on it yet it will age and wrinkle up. I will eventually die and the vessel will be of no u

General Chat

Thoughts of Death comfort me Does anyone get this? I have asked numerous people and surprisingly, many feel this way. The idea that everything will be gone and I will go back to the blank state where I was for billions of years. My problems, worries, belongings, identity, and etc will ALL be gone with just one event: Death. I find this comforting and makes me motivated to live a completely radical life which consists of finding out what I'm truly am rather than a foolishily pursuing socialized being brainwashed by modern society.

General Chat

Are you guys sometimes jealous of wild animals? "Go out son, work for 50 hours a week with minimum pay! And in the end son you get to pay the taxes teehee, also everything is expensive so you might as well avoid spending your money on anything but your bills! Hurray i feel like im trapped or dont know how to live. Animals seem to know how to live. Yeah they might die of starvation or being hunted on but they don't care until it gets to them. they just live in present

General Chat

Kamma is action, not something magical :/ In the Theraveda buddhism, Kamma is action. We are the owners of our action. Action shapes future thats why we can be either happy or miserable. That's what true kamma means. It doesn't mean that good things will happen in forms of money and friends. Money and friends do not give you happiness. They are just temporary and immediate pleasure. They are not everlasting. It just means you will develop skillful qualities in your mind with right intention. This will cause more happiness because you are ever more aware of the unskillful factors in your mind.

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