

Akatsukii #General Talk


Maplestory as a high leveler. I'm a level 17x corsair. What should I do now? I really don't see a point to get to level 200. I rather play maplestory every now and then rather than quitting so please don't tell me to quit :) Is starting a new character worth it? What do you high levelers do when you're bored? I've been there and done that on this corsair. Wondering if I should start again or do something thats fun on my corsair which I don't know what is fun anymore. I've been getting bored with my corsair (So much time spent on it). I want to try something new. What is a class that is FUN for you? I like the idea of mobbing and if I made a UA I would have to go through the hard yards. Is there anything else I can do with my corsair? (Bossi


Is this love? Recently I've been going on boss runs and training at LHC. There's a certain girl I've been talking and training with for the last couple of weeks. We found out we were close to each other, she is 2 years older than me though. We met up to shop and hang out and she was more prettier than I expected. She let me hug her and I was confused to whether she liked me or not. The next day she told me to come over her house for a BBQ. I get my father to drop me off. We played maple, did two zruns, got scammed haha, gached and cubed. I got my overall to epic in one cube but gave to my friend who needed it. After our activities we went to FM and she started using the kissing emotion on me. I was really confused if she wanted me to make a


Who's up for enhancing their weapon? In my latest screenshot there is a picture of my gun with 2 enhances. I wanted to go for the third with an advanced equip scroll. I have asked this person if he wanted to do it and his thinking about it. Here is his amazing weapon I plan to supply him enhancement scrolls to boom dummys and owls for the both of us. My plan, first I owl for adv equip scrolls and we both buy the cheapest then we will have 100% scrolled items and the plan is to boom one with an 80% normal enhancement scroll. Then we will use an advance equip on our main weapons leaving us with 3 stars. He will receive 4 atk and I will get 3 atk. Who thinks it is a good idea? I made a poll recently so I can't make another and I want to hear w


How do godly people fund themselves? I'm just wondering about all those godly people with over 50% dex. How do they fund themselves? Take a look at my screenshots on my basil account then check out Funimal (character IGN) Funimal's damage is so high, even if he did use money how much would it cost to become that godly? If you godly please tell me how you fund yourself, whether its by using real life money or merching in the fm and mts all the time till you can afford all items.

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