

Alienstock #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

There a revamp,just wait Ppl are always bandwaggoniing about the revamp and they always says that theres will be no revamp. If you really want it, just shut up and let the time go the ppl thats makes thread for when will be the pirate revamp, [b]STOP[/b] asking it.People always says that Nexon hates pirate but no, because us, maplers, asked for a pirate revamp that was supposed to be changed into Jett, and they finally add it, but sometimes Nexon should do something better. We dont have a time controller and that makes ppl more unpatient. Ax we know the revamp still comes, theres some prooves: *During the job adv, Kyrin is talking about the new Brawler skills like, Tornado Uppercut and etc. *All the revamped 4th job books for pirate has bee

General Pirate

Pirate revamp late this summer A Gm in the Nexon forum confirmed that the pirate revamp is comming late this summer, THATS the best thing that they should annouce :D My oppinion is: I am one of the pirates that wanted the revamp during a long time ago. Our class(Corsair) is the weakest and really need to get buffed up. Some ppl stand with the own argument of the boat but, the rest of the pirate communauty has million arguments( Boats lag, Hard to boss, dmg% is too low, wep att buff aren't very good vs the revamp wep att buff, Has a low hp, has a low wep def/magic def and its really hard to fund a Corsair). Even for buccs, i never played one but im pretty sure they got 1000 arguments vs 1 argument about the revamp. The person who says that t

General Pirate

Pirate Heensys Last Reunion Eve I shared with all our mates , Fellows ThunderBreakers, Cannoneers , Gunslingers and brawlers with our glory moment since we came out on Mapleworld.... We sufer, we cried, but it was fun at least and our nation still alive! Hope you gys enjoyed your Pre-Mutiny pirate life, NOW we getting more powerfull ! I just rememebr that all thoose skills we gonna all miss but i have no regrets! Our Honorable Battleship is getting old and useless with the time evoluing and even the Transformation is older now and he can fight with us and not within us! I still remeber theese Pre-BB skills thats look was looking rookie nowadays liek Flamethrower or Backspin Blow. At least or Original skill will be alive , our dragon strike

General Pirate

Starting a Canopus for overall So yea, im starting a canopus suit to be able to play my mech and sair with the same overall: it has str+7 , dex+ 8, maxhp +18, wep def +166 I was thinking on simply just miraculous chaos scroll ( 10 slot) it and cube it, imma start with a epic pot :P So i have 2 question, Using a M.Chaos scroll on the overall is a very good idea or i should use an other scroll before? And what is the best thing that i can get each rank from Epic- Legendary( i need DEX% or even All stats% if possible)? If u can answer one of theese question it would be great, Thanks :D

General Pirate

The Corsair boat true fonction That boat isnt that weak than we tough it was: Battleship bomber and RF share the same stuff( execpt dmg) going from SP to hyperskill ( so yes it has pdr% and boss%). Pretty much when you use parrotargetting on a boss, and you use that boat skill, it deals more dmg on a boss and can be used as a Bossing skill bcse of it's high amount of dmg% ( just like Trinity for AB's) O-T: the one who cares about the function of the corsair system, it's the same as the current one but with an other crew added (Stoner) probably to represent the Cannoneer job. So it goes like so: Valerie,crit boost: +15% Muirhat,crit dmg: +15% Jack,HP and MP: 30% Stoner,resist status: +15%

General Pirate

The Corsair boat true fonction That boat isnt that weak than we tough it was: Battleship bomber and RF share the same stuff( execpt dmg) going from SP to hyperskill ( so yes it has pdr% and boss%). Pretty much when you use parrotargetting on a boss, and you use that boat skill, it deals more dmg on a boss and can be used as a Bossing skill bcse of it's high amount of dmg% ( just like Trinity for AB's) O-T: the one who cares about the function of the corsair system, it's the same as the current one but with an other crew added (Stoner) probably to represent the Cannoneer job. So it goes like so: Valerie,crit boost: +15% Muirhat,crit dmg: +15% Jack,HP and MP: 30% Stoner,resist status: +15%

General Pirate

Buccaneer- Hyper Skill Before and After I'm seeing some thieves doing theese kinds of thread. Even if I'm a TB, Bucc is the nearest class to mine . Feel free to post your vids about you soloing bosses [header][b]Pre-Hyper Skills[/b][/header] [b]Exonesia[/b] [url][/url] ([b]Gun Boss[/b]) [b]Buccstar764[/b] [url][/url] ([b]HornTail[/b]) [b]KeVouOwnS[/b] ([b]HornTail[/b]) [header][b]Post- Hyper Skills[/b][/header]