AllThatEnergy #Chat Talk

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Just came back from a party Hey guys! So I was invited to my cousins party and I have to say I was so out of my element! Me and my cousin are both 17 years old and OMG I was so bored. Everyone was drinking and smoking which I hate so much! To top it off there was this awful music from the speakers right in my ear that was giving me a headache. Music that had cuss words and annoying lyrics. I don't understand how people can drink and smoke at such a young age! He had invited all his friends from school. In the end I left really early and without a warning or a signal. Please share a story of how you were out of your elemnt when you were at a party. I guess I am just that goody goody two shoes but I rather be the way I am than drink and smoke

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I need help with my thoughts So I have a problem that bothers me everyday. It bothers me in everything I do. It is driving me nuts. I will get right to it. So I have OCD and whenever I think of a bad thought when I am doing something such as opening a door, turning on my console, turning on my computer, eating, showering, basically anything I do. I have to redo what i am doing and think a good thought. So let's say I open my bedroom door with a negative thought about getting sick or something, I have to step out of my room and enter again with a good thought that counters that. It's not just that, I have like 100 things I have to say before I enter my room but i was giving an example. It's so hard cause the negative thoughts always reappear

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How to overcome Ocd So I have a little OCD and It does not have to do with things having to be alligned or clean. My ocd has to do with everything being the way its supposed to be. Things have to go the way they were meant to happen. Lately I have been able to overcome my OCD slowly. I think of the problem and figure out solutions on how this could have happened. My mind finds a solution and I am off to the next thing. I guess you can say worrying is not always a bad thing for OCD. Next time your OCD kicks in, just think okay there must be a solution to this, no way it would just happen with no answers. Another things that helps me is thinking about how lucky I am to be alive, and not waste half my life wondering how this happened or that h

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Question about Gaming Since no one understood what I meant by my last post, I decided to rewrite it. When you are playing a game and say a glitch happens that is out of the ordinary like doing a quest in maplestory and you turn it in, however it's bugged and you don't get experience from it, how do you feel? I get OCD and wonder why I didn't get exp, then I start stressing over it and it stays on my mind. I guess I was expecting it and it was supposed to happen. Let's say you level up but don't get any sp or ap points, would you stress over it. I get ocd when things don't happen the way I know it should. How do you handle it?

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Have you guys ever been deperessed? Hey guys. So for the past 7 years of my life (19 atm), I have been dealing with Depression and OCD. My OCD consisted of unwanted thoughts that ran through my head. When I thought these thoughts, I had to think of something positive or I could not continue my day. If the clock striked 12 am and I thought of a something negative, that day would have to consist of nothingness. It's hard to explain. However, I have now reached the point in my life where I don't want to worry about these thoughts. I can't. I have learned to accept that nothing in this world is perfect and that I should just learn to live with negative things around me. Life has it's positive aspects and it's negative aspects. I am finally glad

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