

Amazing #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

So, Im rewatching Pokemon the first movie. It was all pretty sugoi and stuff considering it was considered ichiban to several eyes. Movie progresses nicely nostalgia attack consistently, and me singing along to anything and everything. Then the famous scene of Pikachu cry. Dead silent in my room except for the sound of my speakers. "Pika pi pika..." Pikachu don't cry man. don't cry or I'll cry DON'T DO IT "Pika... pikachu :C!" NO MAN DON'T DO IT DON'T DO IT "PIKACHUUUUU" N-- "DEWWWWGOONNNNNGGGGG" >poker face. So, I was about to cry and what turned out to be a heart breaking scene was Pokemon the first movie's funniest part.

General Nintendo

So, Im rewatching Pokemon the first movie. It was all pretty sugoi and stuff considering it was considered ichiban to several eyes. Movie progresses nicely nostalgia attack consistently, and me singing along to anything and everything. Then the famous scene of Pikachu cry. Dead silent in my room except for the sound of my speakers. "Pika pi pika..." Pikachu don't cry man. don't cry or I'll cry DON'T DO IT "Pika... pikachu :C!" NO MAN DON'T DO IT DON'T DO IT "PIKACHUUUUU" N-- "DEWWWWGOONNNNNGGGGG" >poker face. So, I was about to cry and what turned out to be a heart breaking scene was Pokemon the first movie's funniest part.

General Nintendo

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 1 & 2: Yay, generation 5 :D! Episode 1 [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] Episode 2 [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] Pokemon Best Wishes, I believe is trying to recreate the nostalgic feeling of Pokemon again, but in a brand new sense as if it was a new anime that just came out. Although historically we all know Ash is experienced in Pokemon, this season displays him as a young child even struggling with catching his Pokemon like he just started his journey. I'm not going to spoil much but I'm going to say, Team Rocket seems BA, like their first encounter

General Nintendo

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl 191 Final Episode: [b]First things first: Nostalgic people please get out. We don't need to hear "omg 1st season blah blah blah"[/b] [url=]Part 1[/url] [url=]Part 2[/url] It's been a good 4 years since Diamond and Pearl came out to the Japanese audience and the series is finally ending :<. I thought this was a pretty good way to end Pokemon 4th generation, incorporating all the best BGMs into the final episode, from the nostalgic saddening 1st generation, to Ash's Sinnoh theme, to even a new piano version BGM of Kimi no Mune ni la la la. Keeping up with Diamond and Pearl watching all their episodes (in Japanese because