

Amuro #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

Natsume announces their own Harvest Moon [url=]Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley will be released later this year, and has been in development by Natsume since early 2013.[/url] Previous Harvest Moon games (called Bokujo Monogatari games in Japan) have all been developed in Japan by Marvelous AQL, and Natsume has been localizing all of them for over a decade. This marks the first HM game Natsume made from scratch. A few days ago, XSEED (a subsidiary of Marvelous for a few years now) announced that they'll be bringing over Marvelous' lastest Bokujo Monogatari game for the 3DS, which will be called Story of Seasons in North America. The "Harvest Moon" brand was in

General Nintendo

Reminder that Canadian E3 30% off promotion ends today [url=]For Best Buy[/url], where pre-ordering 3+ games gets you 30% off each, and pre-ordering 1-2 games gets you 15% off. Not too bad, considering pretty much every $40 game in Canada now costs $45 thanks to our Canadian dollar being bleh. Amazon has a similar promotion going on, but I believe Best Buy has more games listed that are eligible. All I wanted was Pokemon for me and a friend, so it didn't really matter which we went to. :>

General Nintendo

Pokemon X and Y region revealed [url=]The Kalos Region[/url] [url=]looks really nice so far.[/url] [url=]New outfits and accessories for characters is also confirmed.[/url] [url=]Box art.[/url] [url=]New footage.[/url] [url=]All the screens from the official site + some hidden screens.[/url]