

Aptitude #Art Talk

General Art

Creepy discovery on my work I was looking to getting a tattoo sleeve soon so I can be grandfather claused for my job. Looking for ideas and designs I stumbled upon a drawing I vividly remember drawing myself backing in second grade for art using some chalk technique tattooed on a woman's back. Judging from the hairstyle it looks like it could be my second grade teacher. Everything about it matches perfectly to the pic I drew, the petals' shape and placement, the slacking on the pollen part and the way I colored it in. [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aCjr1rlz8aU/ThLavy_kV4I/AAAAAAAAApc/CwCFp12CcJM/s1600/lotus+flower+tattoo+stencils+18.jpg]My second grade lotus pic[/url]

General Art

Creepy discovery on my work I was looking to getting a tattoo sleeve soon so I can be grandfather claused for my job. Looking for ideas and designs I stumbled upon a drawing I vividly remember drawing myself backing in second grade for art using some chalk technique tattooed on a woman's back. Judging from the hairstyle it looks like it could be my second grade teacher. Everything about it matches perfectly to the pic I drew, the petals' shape and placement, the slacking on the pollen part and the way I colored it in. [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aCjr1rlz8aU/ThLavy_kV4I/AAAAAAAAApc/CwCFp12CcJM/s1600/lotus+flower+tattoo+stencils+18.jpg]My second grade lotus pic[/url]

General Art

Taking drawing requests Since I have time on my hands before break is over I'll be more than happy to take a few requests if any of you are interested. 3-5 user will be chosen at random or anyone who comes close to guessing what state I'm from. If you don't get picked and really interested in having your avatar drawn, I will do art trades as well. My artistic abilities isn't the best but I'd have to say my style is pretty unique. Some samples of my work and if you're lazy to look through the links, I have a couple of maple-related pics on my BasilID. All of these were done in class and the best that I currently have as I tend to throw out any loose papers/drawings. [url=http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g377/UMArtistry/The%20Limit/IMG_019

General Art

Challenging myself with another request I consider myself to being an automatic drawer/doodler where a picture flows out from random lines and nothing in mind, which I prefer because I don't have to worry about perfection, neatness, etc. So I'm gonna try and challenge/improve myself by doing the opposite. As you can tell my first basil submission is more similar to those on my [url=http://s1098.photobucket.com/albums/g377/UMArtistry/The%20Limit/?start=all]photobucket acc[/url], which were automatic drawings, than the other two. The rest being at the bottom. So if anyone's interested feel free to post and ignore all the maplestory avatars... Ill pick 3 at random for now.