Arcana27961 #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Are PB, Comp, and FD worth using against bosses So I was thinking about how we stack DoT, and I was wondering if it was smart to use Poison Breath, Elemental Composition, and Fire Demon while fighting bosses. Just a quick refresher since Basil isn't up to date with our skill changes: Poison Breath deals 60% damage for 10 seconds. Poison Mist deals 180% for 15 seconds. Elemental Composition deals 90% for 10 seconds. Fire Demon deals 110% for 15 seconds. Meteor deals 220% for 10 seconds. Paralyze deals 140% for 5 seconds. Would it be worth it to cast PB, Comp, and FD every 10-15 seconds while bossing?

General Firepoisonarchmage

What was training with poison spells like pre-BB? Despite having this guy prior to BB being released, I never trained with Poison Breath or Mist because I was stupid and read the wrong guides. Currently, my closest friends are over 30 levels ahead of me and I recently thought that maybe, if I had trained with poison skills, I might be around the same level as them and help them out more. Anyways I just wanted to hear from other F/Ps, that played before BB hit, on their experiences with Mist training. Was it as amazing as people have suggested? Could you mist multiple channels effectively? Was Poison Breath actually useful?