

ArchM0onL #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

How to boss as an i/l mage? Just job changed from bishop to i/l mage, looking for tips on how to maximize dps in bossing, thanks! How frequently do you cast frozen orb, or just spam chain lightning? I cannot cap with spamming chain lightning only, so I still need the FO+CL setup, but I don't know how frequently I should use frozen orb. Sadly I changed to an arch mage looking for higher dps but I die a lot more and even dealing less dps in magnus comparing to my bishop. HP becomes a concern and, I'm still teleporting into death balls in magnus due to that ridiculous long range teleport. And how do you do chaos vellum? Also, I believe i/l out damage f/p when you cap with spamming CL (i.e. without orb), right? Thanks in advance!