

Armags #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

How to improve range? I have a level 150 TB and I want to improve its range in preparation for EUNWOL. I'm looking to invest in tradeable equips so that I can transfer over. I currently have: 6 att Empress Hat 3 att Empress Cape 3% STR 6 att Empress Shoe 3% All 15 att Empress glove 15% STR 9 att Empress Overall 9% DEX 6% STR 4 att Rising Sun Face 28 att Beryl Heart Empress Shoulder 6 att 9% STR Half earrings Absolute Ring Evo Ring III Max DABR Tempest Ring 6% STR 158 att King Cent Legendary: 27% All Reinforced Pendant 6% STR Reinforced Belt 3% STR With these I have 116k range buffed with PB and ~130k with Typhoon+PB How can I improve? Any starts?