AsILayDying #General Talk


This Could be a Big Day For us Make a thread [url=]here[/url] about hiring more GMs and doing something about the hackers. Pick a few threads to add a comment to that are related to the overrun of hackers. We can get their attention and let them know that rehashing "new" content won't cut it anymore. As someone in another thread said " I feel more like a customer to nexon and not like a gamer." I think I'm para-phrasing, but still. I'm also going to send in one ticket, send out one tweet and one wall post. If enough of us just do this they'll realize that something needs to be done. [b]Don't let me be the only one fighting for this game. [/b


The Majority of Maplers dont read The majority of Maplers on Basil Market don't read entire threads or comments anymore. I have with out a doubt proven that. The only real question is, [url=]were you in this thread?[/url] If you actually read the entire thing, sit back and read the comments. It's certainly made me and my coworkers laugh while we go through the day working for The Man. So thanks for the unintentional entertainment. If anyone thinks I am a troll, or that I was trolling in this thread, you're wrong. I had a test and got my results, that's all. [b]If you were in this thread and were one of the people that didn't read it, click the last one.[/b] If you were in this thread and read it, clic


The Avarage Reading Ability And Comprehension of Maplers It's blatantly obvious that if a thread is more than two paragraphs long the majority of Maplers on this site will not read it. Why? A sentence takes a little under a second to complete. A paragraph takes just under 10 seconds or maybe even less to the average avid reader. What I don't understand is why people make it into a big deal not to read something? Even if it is a waste of time. You read plenty just being on this site. You read plenty just playing Maplestory and turning in quest or even just chatting with others. I just don't understand it. It'd make a bit more sense if the threads were a page or two long but they're about 1/4th of a page at best. Rarely 3/4ths to an entire pa


The Majority of Maplers dont read The majority of Maplers on Basil Market don't read entire threads or comments anymore. I have with out a doubt proven that. The only real question is, [url=]were you in this thread?[/url] If you actually read the entire thing, sit back and read the comments. It's certainly made me and my coworkers laugh while we go through the day working for The Man. So thanks for the unintentional entertainment. If anyone thinks I am a troll, or that I was trolling in this thread, you're wrong. I had a test and got my results, that's all. [b]If you were in this thread and were one of the people that didn't read it, click the last one.[/b] If you were in this thread and read it, clic

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