

AsaLostar #Chat Talk

General Chat

Wind Slayer is Officially Dead On July 22nd, only two days after the GMS "Age of Battle," Update went live, MMORPG Company Outspark decided to post an unsettling announcement among Outspark fans. Outspark will pull the plug on Windslayer on August 10th. To those of you that never played/heard of Windslayer, it was a 2D side-scrolling MMO that somewhat compared to Maple Story a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, that game suffered a lack of critical updates, game balancing and even events to keep the game interesting. (Picture Maple Story with back when Papulatus was the latest content and having the game stay that way to this very day and it's roughly the same thing). I never really attached myself to that game myself, but I cert

General Chat

Basilers, show your love on MMOSite! Nexon needs your help! Normally I'm not too big into this public voting business, but when I look at some of these categories, it bugs me. For starters, the Maple Story page is: As you can see, it is entered in a plethora of categories. Two of them include: Best Music:;id=15 and Best F2P:;id=17 When you look at current results like this back-to-back, my sense of duty kicks in, if you know what I mean. Band together, Basilers! We got ourselves a boss to take down! The game's had its ups and downs but when I compare this game to other communities, Nexon has done a lot more for the community then a high majority of their competition... so in the end, I think they deserve as much credit as they can get.