AshleyAttacked #Xbox Talk

General Xbox

Gonna make this clear about Mgs5 [B][I]Buy it.[/B][/I] I'm comfortable in telling you that...if you in any way enjoy games in any sense whatsoever - MGS5 is worth your money and your hundreds upon hundreds of hours. I'm really not sure how...if you like video games in any sense whatsoever...buying metal gear solid 5: phantom pain would be anything other than a GREAT idea. Seriously guys. Call of Duty, Battlefield 4, etc...those are $60 dollar games and yet they last no longer than 4-6 hours. You can platinum these games in 20 hours tops. Then you have MGS5...a game where, after putting in 130 still far from being completed. The game is stunningly incredible. Yes, there are things to criticize about the game - but to me these mino

General Xbox

Just got Gears of War The new Xbox One remake version. I used to love the original series so much. Great mixture of shooter/horror genre... The first one was by far my favourite...its dark/desperate tone still hasn't been done nearly so well in any other game since, not even in the sequels. Closest would prolly be 'The Evil Within.' Been wishing I could play it ever since I replaced my old Xbox 360 with my new X1 but it's too much trouble to have ps3/ps4/xbox 360/x1 and 2 computers all hooked up at the same time. lol. Anyone play the new Gears of War game yet? How is it? And sorry...not rly interested in multiplayer wrt it or any other shooter, lol. I enjoy first/third person shooters a ton but nowhere near enough to have fun with multiplay