

AvidReader #Chat Talk

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Life. Lets just talk. Nostalgia Well. Its been a while hasn't it? How many years have you been on this Earth? 9, 11, 17? Quite the journey no? Through the thick and thin you've been the one to survive. And we all have stories we want to share don't we? Well, I'll start off by sharing mine. I was born a Korean-American in no other city than L.A. Oh how grand I thought the city was, how beautiful downtown looked at night. *sigh*. I was born into quite the family as well. I was well off with parents that could provide for me very well, yet I haven't really noticed this till now. Anyways, when I was little I used to just watch t.v., listen to music, and just blissfully spend my summer days as a child. Then, before I knew it, I was graduating El