

Azngothopz #General Talk


The problem with the current Ms community I've been noticing a lot of complaints about how the current maplers are obsess with damage and this obsession with damage has diminish the maplestory community. However, there have always been a lot of damage crazy people before. From my memories, they were far more obnoxious (dexless sins with ilbis). You can't even train normally without them flaunting off their stars and their skimpy bathrobes. Nowadays, there seems to be less of that. Damage obsessed folks mainly stay in the fm and try to undercut one another in a brutal mesos blood bath. You know what I think is the biggest problem with our community nowadays? It's the god dam internet bridge dwellers. They are everywhere... literally. I swear


Important rule on how to prevent ksing So it has happened again! Maplers everywhere across GMS is getting 2x exp and drop today. It is truly a blessing in some ways and in other views... its mere chaos. The essence of a non structured government can be seen greatly. Whoever has more friends and power can generally hold a map for themselves without worrying much. But for regular maplers, just follow this one tip and you'll be sorta fine. If someone enters your map, don't assume they are ksers! And by that, I mean telling them to "cc pls" before they even lay a finger on your mob. I don't care how nice you phrased it with your please or cherry on top. It is annoying and just plain disrespectful. Why? Well your basically labeling the


A lack of moderately challenging bosses I'm sure a lot of maplers who care about bossing have noticed this issue I'm about to address. In maplestory, there are seemingly only two types of difficulties when dealing with bosses: really easy bosses or insanely tough bosses. Having bossed for a while now, I only enjoy killing hard mode gollux and normal magnus. Hard mode gollux is challenging however, any moderately funded class can kill it without having to spend a godly insane amount of time/mesos into their character. With this observation, I believe Maplestory would be a lot more entertaining if more bosses like these existed. For example, instead of only having the choice between chaos root abyss and regular root abyss bosses, put in anoth