

Beefstew #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Fixing equips for more Luk total my NL is relatively unfunded, so I wanted to know how much it would cost to replace my current equips with good ones (better ones) with nice %LUK. currently my unbuffed range is 29567~34698. HAT: empress 10 att pot: 14% luk FACE: branch nose +10 luk EYES: specs 4 att pot: 2% luk NECKLACE: vip +30 luk pot: 12% luk EARRING: strawberry pot: 15% all stats BELT: sharp green leather belt pot: 4% luk <---- this so needs to go ugh im sick of it </3 CAPE: empress 8 att pot: 8% luk GLOVES: scg 26 att pot: 2% luk OVERALL: empress 2 att pot: 11% luk SHOES: vss 14 att RINGS: dabr, evolving ring 3 and 2, tempest ring 2att pot: 6% luk CLAW: vip +16 luk 84 att <---- this needs to be so much better it's pathetic...

General Nightlord

thief equips need to upgrade i'm a dexless sin (level 120) and i decided now that i'm 4th job i will fund myself. later today i will get around 50k nx and i will have around max mesos (maybe 3b) which i plan to spend on a 111 att VIP claw. my current luk is 24% so that needs to improve i have: clean ZAK helm - i plan on replacing with a czak crimsonheart cloak, 2% luk tenacious green belt, 4% luk dark pirate top, 3% luk dark pirate pants, 3% luk 15 ATT wgs, 2% luk blue sneakers, 4% luk clean deputy star - will replace with a HTP half earrings, 6% luk 64 ATT craven, 3% att - replacing with a VIP claw if i can find one how can I improve each to get more %luk? i plan on replacing all of it. i want to get my range twice as much as it currently