BenchPresser #Chat Talk

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Front Squat Progress So for the past few years I've been doing accessory movements for my legs only and avoiding the compound lifts, since after I had ACL surgery it prevented me from squatting heavy. I use to back squat and got up to a pretty good amount years back, this time around I thought I'd focus on front squatting. So far I'm happy with my progress, been going up 10 lbs a week for a 5x5. Any advice on form would be great, you can't really see my ass cuz of the angle (had no where else to put my camera) but I'm breaking parallel and going ass to grass. Feel free to share your own lifting progress and your goals!

General Chat

Your significant other is being eaten by a Tiger So a huge ferocious tiger jumps into your car and pulls your girlfriend/boyfriend out the window and carries them away. You have two choices, you can either chase after the tiger and risk being eaten alive yourself, or stay in the car. If you do go after the tiger it's a good chance that it will kill you both, so what do you do? Would you risk your life to save your significant other from a tiger attack? Or would you stay in the car and save your own life?