Bluetoothbrush #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Quitting maybe? P.c please? Too long; Don't wanna read: Please help me salvage mesos with a p.c. o.o I've been on the Hermit/Nightlord road since 2006' and to be honest throughout most of it I had essentially no gear. :D (Who needs gear when you throw stars. LIKE A NINJA!) When UA's were released I was approximately Lv 14x with a targa helmet, skanda(64att) and clean everything else (no pot as well). During the legends update I was miraculously lucky. Somehow, I consolidated all my mesos and managed to purchase the empress items (failed/mispriced/traded other items), fuse, and miraculously chaos scroll them up to decent attack (at the time, now not so much). When playing rpgs I usually don't upgrade until it actually hinders normal game pla