Boombomberz #Zero Talk

General Zero

I have something to say about the Zero class Do you guys think whenever there is a 2x event there should be a 2x quest in the mirror world? I don't know about you guys but in the mirror world a normal 2x coupon is kind of.... Useless.... Cause the monsters almost give no exp... Plus if its in mirror world only people that are not zeros and are not doing the zero storyline can't use it... And people might be like "Oh but then zeros will lvl up so fast..." Well its not like people who are rich and spoiled cant get a 2x quest coupon, I just think the people who patiently wait for 2x events should get the same treatment on their zero. Your guys thoughts?

General Zero

Why cant Zero use damage skins? Like Nexon. How stupid have you been. If since zero has the tag team battle display, I say that is the WORST EXCUSE. EVER. Possible ways that Nexon clearly doesn't see 1. Make a damage skin have 2 colors. 1 for normal, and 1 for the tag team damage. I don't understand how that is so hard. 2. Make damage skins exclusively for Zero. Okay. If you don't want to make us a damage skin fine, but you could always make damage skins exclusively for zero. It isn't hard. 3. Let us have a damage skin and the tag team damage just be normal. The fact that the tag team damage is like hyper red, is already cool enough to be a skin for me. So, we can use Damage skins and not mind the tag. I don't think many people will mind ha