BravePotato #Site Talk

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Possilble Hacked, Duped Item Getting Front-Paged This item screen shot at is said to be a hacked and duped item by quite a few basilers. If I recall correctly hacked items are usually not front-paged, or at least not in the "Items" screen shot category. You can find proves from some of the comments on this shoe. Here are few I found: [quote=Goescalm]This isnt legit. The guy that made it was a duper and a hacker.[/quote] [quote=DragonFalse]Before Enhancement:[/quote] [quote=pantburken]This item is a known hacked and duped item that's actually already been posted on these forums half a year ago. mrb isn't paying attention to what he's accepting. Not impressive in the least. No-boom hacks and duping. Whoopity-do-da-day. Nothing to se