

Bubblesse #General Talk


That Maple Awkward Moment. That awkward moment when.... When you walk into a Ludi Party room and someones already killing the shadows When two people ulti at the same time When you die in the first few seconds of bossing When you kill someone from DR or zombie When someone asks for HS and then they run away When you start up a training party or PQ and you have to afk When you die because you forgot to MG When rog comes on ship and you afk When you first come into a map and the first thing someone says is CC pls When you don't wear your gear on a boss run When you forget someone's name When you leave party unexpectedly ProfessorKat: When ulti hits nothing When your friend finds a spare member for PQ and goes in without you What are your Mapl


Maple Faces Irl Got any pictures to share on Maple faces? F1: Link 1[url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/073b3159e9a7444cc4b7663'a05732/tumblr_mp6ir1KKoJ1rubd0ao2_400.gif][/url] F2: Link 1[url=http://img.ohkpop.com/2012/04/09/as17xB35.jpg][/url] F3: Link 1[url=https://iguessimagrownup.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/jennifer-lawrence-funny-face-hunger-games-awesome-gif.gif][/url] F4: Link 1[url=http://dramahaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/loverain-seo-in-guk-im-yoona-1024x704.jpg][/url] Link 2[url=http://karimayer.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/pouty-baby-face.jpg][/url] F5: Link 1[url=http://cookylamoo.com/boringlikeadrill/blogpix/angrybaby.jpg][/url] Link 2[url=https://33.media.tumblr.com/55a1865070e09024506857fd3e84ebfb/tumblr_nfsp6dArUd1sz0qtao