BuckyTheFist #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Maple Shield vs Higher Lved shield for pot? So, i have a question about 1hands and 2 hands and Shields. I have around 200k nx availible for an ATT shield w/ high att 1h or 2h. Which would be the better option for me? Another thing is that, is Brandish's range set? Meaning One hand or Two wont make a difference on its reach. Also, if i get the 1h/shield combo, should i get an Att Maple shield or a Higher lvled shield for the better Tier Potetnials? Thanks <3 P.s I really dont want to hear about wasting my money on nx. Thanks.

General Warrior

Bossing potential. Talk to me Basil Hey Basil! I've spent too much money on moving from character to character buying them Zhelms and the such, and tbh, my wallet can't take it anymore >.< So basil, Heroes or Arans? This is [b]NOT[/b] a "Which class is better" Im asking when each class reaches their bossing potential. And how well do these classes boss? I realize they are warriors and are bossers. How well would a decently funded Hero fair at zakum(Other bosses as well)? And an Aran with same funding do compared to the Hero? Say both around Lv130. And the same if they both were in the late 160s-170s. I currently have a 130 Hero and a near 100Aran. Which would be worthwhile to continue? Thanks in advance for the answers. All