

Buttwind #Jett Talk

General Jett

Starforce Salvo hits per second So, I started maining Jett today because I wanted fun over damage! :D I mained my Mechanic since the release, but decided to quit because their post-revamp skills are ugly af. Nexon removed my favourite attacks and gave us damage instead of fun. Now they even nerfed us to the ground in KMS. (rip) But yeah, now I want to use him, and boss with him, I would like to know how many hits per second Starforce Salvo has. I can't seem to find it anywhere.. :/ Also, what is the most effective way of bossing for Jett? Do we even use Singularity Shock for bossing? And what about Plantet Buster? Sorry for the many questions, but I just need to know it :D (and there's nobody I can ask in GAZED, because really NOBODY mains