

Cadillac #Demonslayer Talk

General Demonslayer

Where should I train my Demon Slayer? So I recently started to play this game again because my main computer is broken and it is like the only game my backup netbook could handle lol. I last played before there were demon slayers/mercedes/cannoneers so I decided to give these three classes a shot. I leveled each of them up to 70 using what I knew of the game from when I played before (ex: Haunted Mansion) and now they are the following levels: Lvl 88 Demon Slayer, Lvl 83 Mercedes and Lvl 82 Cannoneer. I have decided that Demon Slayer is my favorite of the three because fury skills are awesome and I would like to know how other demon slayers trained from this point to 120. I have never had a fourth job character before and I would love to ge