

Capricious #Chat Talk

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How do you? How do you move on from someone you love a lot, but cannot be with? How do you erase them from your life? Purge your mind and heart of them? I've been in love with my ex ever since we broke up. I've tried to get her back, but failed miserably. She just doesn't feel the same way and doesn't know why. I give up on trying to get a reason out of her, or even bothering. She has fallen for yet another guy and now they're "giving it a shot," and this just hurts, ya know? I get to watch her fall for someone else and all... So, aside from... meeting new people, hitting up other girls, and things of that sort... what can i do to keep my mind off her? I don't want to be idle and think about her.

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Approaching a girl for the first time :~( Help me Basil! Y'all are experienced with women, right? I've got a Chemistry lab this semester with a really attractive and (seemingly) dorky/playful/easy-going girl. I've never had any classes with her before, so I don't know a single thing about her. When I noticed her on the first day of class, I remember thinking to myself "Gah, she's so attractive... :/" I figured I'd admire from afar, but I'm just smitten at this point. During our first class together, I caught her staring at me during one of the professors lengthy explanations. We both made eye contact, and quickly glanced away out of embarrassment (I think... at least I was). This went on several times throughout that class. We had

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Working out at the Gym I have many questions. Care to help me out? I've never set foot in a gym in my life. I'm 20, I'm 5"11, I'm incredibly scrawny (I weight a little over 100? 110? Idek). Yeah. I'm a mess and I'm ashamed. I've never tracked calorie intake or how much I eat in a day, but I don't think I'm under-eating. I want to fit into my clothes better and stop looking like a damn clothes hanger, y'know? I want to gain weight, muscle, whatever you want to call it. All I've ever done is run - I don't do it for the health benefits. I do it because it gets me outside for a while, and I find it relaxes my mind when I'm stressed or worked up. I live in New Jersey (moved here recently). I drive by a gym called Retro Fitness and was wonde

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Are you looking for a new game to play? Well, why not play Digimon Masters online with me? :D It's almost been a year since I quit, so I figured I would try and pick the game back up again. It's not fun playing on my own, so I figured I would ask the people of Basilmarket if they would like to join me. :p It's your typical "Grind fest" game, but I suppose the quests in this game have more of a "use" than the ones in Maplestory do (But I guess that's up to you to decide). I'm more than willing to start over on a new character with anyone who wishes to play the game, or I could stick with my old character just to help anyone new out, although I'll be just as lost as you are, considering all the changes the game has gone th

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Are you happy being single? Obviously this only applies to those that are not in a relationship! :) Are you happy being single? I was more than happy being single a few years ago. It didn't bother me that all my friends were in relationships, that I didn't have that personal connection with another person, etc... but then... life just sorta happened, y'know? That one person comes into your life and you don't know how or when exactly it happened, but they kinda made your brain go "yo, this person's gonna be on ur mind day in, day out for the next XYZ days/months/years" - err, long story short, we dated, broke up, and it took me a while, but I can finally say that I'm finally back to where I was 3 or 4 years ago - happy with being s

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Kids addicted to Minecraft I have to babysit my cousins (between 5 and 10 years old) for the day, as they've come to visit and stay the night. They [i]just[/i] asked me to take them to the public library. Normally, I would be thrilled to take them there, as kids these days almost never ask to go to the library. Here's the catch, though. They want to go there to play [i]Minecraft[/i]. >.< These insufferable brats have done [i]nothing[/i] but play Minecraft on their iPads, tablets, and my phone since they got here 4 hours ago - not to mention watched incredibly annoying videos of youtube "stars" play Minecraft with the volume turned [i]all[/i] the way up. SMFH. I told them that I will not burn what little gas I have left (I am

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Selective Service Letter I'm a Canadian citizen who is legally residing in the United States under a TD Visa status along with my father who is on a TN Visa status. I got a letter in the mail from the Selective Service or something and I'm essentially being threatened in a white collar manner - "Join or we'll fine or imprison you for up to 5 years." It says I have 10 days to respond. Why am I even being asked to join this if I'm not a 'permanent' US resident? I got a letter like this a few months back, but was told to disregard it by my father (mainly because even he doesn't completely understand what's going on or why I'm being forced to reply).

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Getting stale For those of you who have managed to maintain a romantic relationship (online or off) for 2+ years... 1) Did you ever feel like the relationship was getting stale? 2) Did you tell your partner whenever you felt this way? 3) What did you do get over the feeling of "Things are getting repetitive," and "This is getting boring"? Also, have any of you ever "forced" yourself to carry on with a relationship even though you felt like it was getting boring? - For reasons like not wanting to hurt the other person, or telling yourself that things will get better and interesting, and that what you have with this person is "worth it"?

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I caught the feels I met this girl about a month ago. Up until that point, I had only seen her around once or twice, but never actually talked to her myself. We somehow started talking and ended up exchanging contact info. At the time, I only saw her as a stranger, that I wouldn't mind getting to know and becoming friends with if we got along. We kept in touch, messaging each other every now and then, spending hours talking about nothing important, and just plain getting to know each other's tastes in music, shows, video games, sports, hobbies, etc... It was great! I don't think I've ever met someone that's so into the same things as I am. Now, here's the problem. I went into this without the intention of making any sort of romantic move on

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Cellphone service provider Who is your cellphone service provider? I'm with T-mobile right now, and... I don't really have any complaints about it. What about you? Edit: Sorry, I lied. If I had to be picky, I guess I'd have to complain about how we only get 2 gigabytes of 4G, before they reduce it to 3G for the rest of the billing period. My data plan is unlimited talk, text, and data, but it's shared between my entire family - so that's 3 phones that use data. Although we rarely go over the 2 gigabyte limit, there are times when we do go over and the 3G is such a pain in the butt. :| But all in all, T-mobile's great because it's so affordable. They have great $0 deals - I hope the one for the HTC One M8 is still in effect in October, when

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Im utterly bored I'm bored. I haven't felt excited about anything in a long, long time. I have a job, a social life, I attend University full time, I've had relationships, I go to the gym, I take part in "fun" activities with friends, etc... but I don't feel happy, or sad, or excited - I don't feel anything about any of it. I don't even remember the last time I felt excited, or interested in something and that saddens me a great deal. I have trouble enjoying life's every day pleasures and I don't want to continue living my life this way - I want to be less jaded, more enthusiastic about things, I want to feel the feels again, y'know? Anyone else feel this way? How do you pull yourself out of this? Edited to clear up misinterpretat

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