

Cheeps #Chat Talk

General Chat

When do you sleep? I have been sleeping in the morning (yes, I sleep at around 7am or 9am) since I was 15. I'm completely healthy and I don't think there's a problem with it unless i don't get 7-9 hours of sleep a day. So my question is what time do any of you sleep? Are you normal and sleep at 9pm-11pm? Or are you nocturnal and sleep late at night or early morning? Or perhaps you have a sleep disorder such as Insomnia or Sleep Apnea? And how many hours do you usually sleep? Discuss.

General Chat

When do you sleep? I have been sleeping in the morning (yes, I sleep at around 7am or 9am) since I was 15. I'm completely healthy and I don't think there's a problem with it unless i don't get 7-9 hours of sleep a day. So my question is what time do any of you sleep? Are you normal and sleep at 9pm-11pm? Or are you nocturnal and sleep late at night or early morning? Or perhaps you have a sleep disorder such as Insomnia or Sleep Apnea? And how many hours do you usually sleep? Discuss.

General Chat

What Happens after that? Hey guys, So recently I listened to a song, it's pretty good, I liked it. It's called: Electus - Fallen (ft. Charlotte Haining) Link - It's actually a really good song. But in the beginning and towards the end of the song a guy named Alan Watts spoke and says something that got me to think deeply he says: "When we were born we don't really know where we came from, because we don't remember. And we think when we die, that's just going to be that. Some people console themselves to the idea that they are going to heaven, that they are going to be reincarnated or they are going to "summer land' or something else. People don't really believe that. But for most people it's plausible, the real thing that haunts t