

Club #General Talk


Ever bidded on items on Basilmarket and the person wont log This has happened to people a lot I know but if you can't log on time then why put up an auction. o.o I've been trying to buy a White Raccoon mask (Or any mask really.) for some percent on my Mercedes forever since I got my 10k NX and the guy will never log on. </3 I have to go on Vacation soon and this messes up my plans before I go.. He'll probably sell it to someone else if I don't log "on time". [url=]This is him.[/url] EDIT: I'll offer to buy one under 5k NX.


The only thing I hate about UAs I was using a level 90 Sword at level 80 on my UA and these people in the Henesys Potion Shop say that they are going to report me. I explain to them why but they still think I'm hacking. Once I log out to do something then log back in, it says my account is under suspection. I log off and try again. Same result. Did this about 3 times. :( Still can't log in. I sent a ticket and I hope they respond because if I get banned I'm going to be really angry.

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