

ColdFridge #General Talk


115 book run Someone was selling 115 books for only 4.5m each. I figured that since I only live once, I might as well go on a nice christmas eve run. I didn't get any Maple Warriors, but I got some NW20/NW30's and rapidly-deflating Kaiser books. Here are the "good" books I got: NW20 (AB) [b]x3[/b] NW30 (AB) Inferno Breath 20 Blade Burst 20 Grand Armor 20 Advanced Tempest Blades 30 [b]x2[/b] Advanced Tempest Blades 20 Dragon Barrage 30 How did I do? I also got some phantom and lumi books, but I used the lumi books and phantoms just got nerfed, so I figured they wouldn't sell for much. Edit: I forgot to include the other AB books on my non-merch chars: Trinity 20 [b]x2[/b] Trinity 30 Soul Shooter Expert 20 Affinity IV 30


My scrolling failures So today I decided to scroll some stuff. Bad move. I ended up failing: - 1/1 40% incredible csog - 2/2 70% (60 + lucky day) event GFMA scroll (+2 matk instead of +1) - 5/7 50% csog - 2/4 50% hammers - 15/24 50% 1h atk scrolls - 1/2 of my 50% 5 star enhance scrolls, but it blew up so it's really 25% Yet, I managed to pass a rogue 10% clean slate that was taking up space in my inventory...on my item that ended up going boom. So, what did you accomplish today?


Does Nexon even know about the Maple Board glitch? Tomorrow will be at least the second maintenance since the glitch, and they make no mention of fixing it in the [url=]notes.[/url] It's annoying because I already have 2 characters with 99 dice, and this is really cutting my coin farming capabilities to a minimum (assuming around 30 dice per lap around the board, that's 15 coins I'm missing on 2 characters). Boo hoo.


Am I the only person ...That finds Krexel difficult? I look around basil and everyone says "Oh, Krexel is level 170 but he's ezpz lemon squeezy". However, as a level 156 F/P mage, I find it very difficult to deal 900 million damage when I'm constantly being bumped off the platform during the 10 second frame of time he gives me to attack (Krexel 1, that is). I've faced him twice so far on my mage. The first time I dced on the first eye; the second time I spent 25 flipping minutes killing the first eye, only to die within 2 minutes on the second eye because I was eating a fudgesicle. Is the stupid badge really worth all this trouble? Edit: Wow nvm I'm dumb, this was all just for 7.5m </3

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