

ConnerX #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

How Do You Scroll A Katara To Make It Good 100 Attack ? Reciently this week I got a good Katara, that I crafted. Now I want to scroll but, I have no idea how because I've never done a good scrolling before. :3 What scrolls should I use on this Katara (its clean, 7 slots, unhammered), if I want 100+ Attack and it has 61 attack (so basically I want for it to gain 39 attack at least). Oh, one more thing, I have low funding so I would perfer not to use dark scrolls (or any other scrolls that explode items), and I can't afford white scrolls, or very expensive (25m+) scrolls (25m times 7 would be 175m and I don't want to spend that much :(). All help is accepted and appreciated. Thank You!