ContagiousSmile #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Perfecting your Cane If there's already a thread on this, I'm sorry. I cruised back a couple pages in the Phantom forums but if it turns out I'm just blind ... I'll close the thread :) Anyway, I'm sure at least a couple of you have already looked into perfecting a cane for your phantom already. I know in Broa, there have been a few Empress Canes floating around . However, meanwhile I'm trying to farm as many 20% Renegades scrolls as possible. Obviously, this means I will need to have lots of GM Clean Slates on hand. However, I was just wondering--for those of you who have perfected your canes (or in the process of perfecting one), how many 20% scrolls have you used so far, and how many clean slates? Or, if you didn't use the 20% (or 40% + P