Cortexiphan #Gms Talk

General Gms

Scanias Finest On 10/6/13, the guild [url=]LaTynArKna[/url], lead by [url=]Arkn0DeM0n[/url], laid siege on the peaceful map of Ch 18 HoH in Scania. :( Scania's finest were called to sort things out. The battle was intense, but in the end we were victorious. <3 [url=]Teh War Zone[/url] [url=]Teh Battle Ground[/url] Unfortunately Arkn0DeM0n and his band of tacos and burritos vowed to engulf Scania in darkness with a flurry of Demon Cries and 'Jajajas'. :3 We now call upon the denizens of the Maple World to take up arms and seal them away. >.< I will be blunt, the battles are long and gruesome; we have lost many(name