CrayonScribble #General Talk


FAQ: Time Traveler's Medal. [b] What does the medal give? [/b] 10 Weapon attack and 10 magic attack, no requirements persay. [b] Is it permanent? [/b] Yes. [b] How do I get it?[/b] Open quest tab, and scroll to quests in progress. In event tab, if you have "Is it a dream" quest in progress, talk to Dr.Bing in Omega sector to recieve the medal. [b] I haven't got this quest in my quest log. [/b] Hard cookies, no medal for you. [b] Is this medal any good? [/b] It is currently the best medal in the game, and is also is better than any medal released in kMS to date. [b] I didn't read any of that, CAN I STILL GET IT?[/b] Unless you've got the "Is it a dream" quest, NO.