Creation4Meh #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Dexless Sin/ Low Dex Equips Hi, I Just made a Assassin cause my friends wanted me too, I have not really bought many stars as it was not needed at lower leves (10-30). I have about 500mill to spend, But I really only want to spend about 250mill on it as I need money for my spearman. I have 1 set of Ilbies (For Fun) and 3 sets of steelys. Ummm, Got bored and made a 10 Dex Bathrobe (Didn't feel like wasting 150mill+ for a Luk Bathrobe), 4 Squishy shoes, and some other equips I got for like 1 mesos....I have a 16 atk Pac and a Zhelm at lvl 50 with 4 atk FS. I'm planning on using my friends Cilbies atm. I do not have my WG since it got rollbacked, and It Took forever to get that 27 atk Wg...Just wondering what would be the appropriate equips ri