CreepersRUs #General Talk


my dad asked a good question " is there an end to that game you play" "not really like most of the games i play they just gone on til you die in real life" "[i][b]so whats the point of it?[/b][/i]?" "what do you mean? "Do you get rewards in the game?" "yea i can get equipment and weapons" "and what do they do?" "help me kill more stuff" "then what?" "i get more stuff i guess" "so it s cycle?" "yea i guess" -not really paying attention to him at this point" "that sounds boring" "..." -dad walks away- "...." "hmm why am i doing this again?..." eh i really don't care if it is point less


well this is interesting today spadow told us a story on tumblr: Maple World was created by the Overseers. The Overseers created three Transcendents: Transcendent of Light (Black Mage), Transcendent of Time (Rhinne) and the Transcendent of Life (World Tree/Alicia) They were created to keep balance in Maple World. The Black Mage was good but he turned evil and wanted more power. He succeeded into stealing Rhinne's power of time and he is looking for Alicia. After the news hit Empress Cygnus about the attack on Shinsoo by one of the commanders of the Black Mage, Demian. Empress, Nineheart and the Knights of Cygnus quickly hurried to Ereve to find Shinsoo. After Cygnus saw the dead body of Shinsoo, she cried and hoped for Shinsoo not to die. B

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