Cronnicossy #Chat Talk

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I need a lil' Meat on me. Apparently. I'm being told, these past few Days more than Ever that I'm too skinny. I dont get it. I'm not Skinny to Bones (which is very scary) but I'm not thick. At all. My Girl comments on it the Most, I guess its the way I eat? I dont have Breakfast. Ever. Ever. Lunch is not in School, once at Home. (My school Sucks. Broken Vendors.) Dinner is, well every night. Anyone know Tips, Suggestions, or anything to help me "Get a lil' meat on my Bones"? (Also Note: I dont work out. I have a Fast Metabalism.) Much appreciated, Thanks.

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So my Girl came over N brought. I moved into a New House. My dad was at work, so I asked my Girl if she wants a Tour. She said Yes. So she comes over, happier than usual, on a Bike. . . with one of her Ex's. My girl and I had broken up b4 (after a 2year fling) and with this guy after 1 year. So she's well comfortable with both of us and twice as "Outgoing" or "Flirty". She knew herself it was akward, but she invited him in anyways. I have no issue with this guy, in fact he's the most sane ex she has. But however, I think it was very Rude that she had invited him w/o my Okay on it. Not only that, she commented on how Buff he is compared to me, and "Jokes" about comparing "Our looks". She made me and hi

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Stolen Silver Gamertag Mocks me So, one day I made a Spare Gamertag for Castle Crashers. 2-3 years later somebody decided to Copy my Main Gamertag in every way, altering it to insult me. . . WITH THAT OLD Gtag. He sends my friends messages, makes fun of me as the Party laughs it up at the Info he put up. I ussually wouldn't mind, but he brought my Personal Life into it. I Assume its one of my friends, but that's not the Point. I wanna know how it happened, and what I can do to Stop this annoying kid. I went on the Gtag itself, deleted all the Stuff, and he returned with it again. I had also put a "LIVE Pass Code" but since its Silver I guess it doesn't matter? What can I do? It's pretty annoying.

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You're Girl. With Boys. So how do you feel? You're girlfreind (Typically Highschool) is going around with a bunch of her Freinds. Whom are Guys. Male. They can do whatever, she can do whatever. How do you feel? What do you do? Why do I ask? My girl has a few Guy freinds, and some of them I dont trust. Knowing her for 4 years, I've grown rather concerned for her lately, and this is the biggest issue. But enough about me, How do you feel if you're girl hangs out with Many guys, alot? How often? Do you know these Guys? What do you do about it?

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Do I wait for her? To be Ready? Me N my girl had gotten into a big Figh over a Small comment I made, which i didn't mean. (I asked to see each other less cuz we saw each other so much. 1 day a Week less, but i didnt mean it.) She thought this thought through a matter of 2 days and was mad at me. I went to talk about it and she sprang some stuff onto me. Stuff like: "I'm too young for a real relationship." (Her excuse when we broke up at 13. 16 atm.) "I'm still young, I want to live my Life and have fun." (Suggestion from her mom) "I want to see other guys, not date. But see. Flirt. Have fun." (Supported with some single guys confession "I like you".) If she wanted to live this life, I reminded her we

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What do I do, with this Girl I love? (ex) Lets get a few things Clear b4 reading my Current pickle: I've been with her a total time of 2.5 Years (1 Breakup at Age 13, 1 Breakup at age 16, which was 1 week ago) We broke a week ago because she felt like she should be single and just "See guys". She still loves me, cares for me N all, and she doesnt want me to "go away." What she WANTS, is to "live life" while shes Young and "Have Fun." when I say fun, I mean meet random guys, hangout with them, and flirt a bit. No touching. Kissing Maybe, but nothin' else. During all this, she knew well she had to breakup with me. She could'nt do it, so I did it for Her. We didn't speak to each other for a Week, very Pa