

Cystom #Thief Talk

General Thief

Phantom, Dual Blade and Shadower Hi, I need to choose one of the three to main once and for all. Could I have some opinions as to which one to main, knowing that I'm very funded. Things that are particularly important to me: 1) Bossing capabilities - not just damage wise but other factors such as survivability and usability (e.g. Phantom's ability to crash) 2) Mobbing capabilities 3) Damage potential from Unlimited up to but not including RED 4) General fun - I find all three very fun :D , but Phantom is probably the most fun out of the three. Thanks.

General Thief

Choosing between Phantom and Shadower Hi! So I have a level 200 Shadower and a level 187 Phantom that I need to choose in between. I have enough funding to hit quite high on both, and I know that especially after Shadower hypers and unlimited that the Phantom will hit significantly less, but I still miss my Phantom very frequently as I love watching Mille Aiguilles + Carte Noir and the high crit rate of Phantoms. As for my Shadower, I've been playing it for a long time and I've watched it grow so it carries a lot of memories. It's not that I don't like Shadowers, it's just that it's frustrating to see Dual Blades out-damage me so easily and to have a relatively slow attack speed when not using Midnight Carnival (one of the reasons why I don