

Deadling #General Talk


Odd Golden Statue Glitch that helps you do the quest faster I found this out, so if it's been posted otherwise, sorry. (But I found it out myself!) So you hold the statue for 30 minutes, and keep it past midnight, then log out. (you may have to just hold it past it's time limit of 30 mins.) When you log back in, you will [b]still[/b] have the statue from before. You can now start the quest again, and you will get a 2nd statue. You can now complete the quest as soon as you started it, and can then re-start it again. You will have to wait the 30 mins for the 2nd one there of course. But after that 30 mins for the 2nd one has passed, you can complete the quest another 2 times in a row! So as long as you don't log out, every half an hour, you c


Wow Nexon, way to never give us our Free Mastery Book So I logged into my Jett yesterday, after patching my game. Just to see my "Alliance Support" quest is expired now. I was never once able to get my book. So it glitched one short patch after the quest was released, no one could get their book, they say they are fixing it in the patch notes for azwan, and then remove it rather than fixing it. Now I have to earn 27 coins, in multiples of however many times it takes to pass, just to get the skill book I wanted for my Jett.... Just wanted to rant, even if a little.

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